A BILL put before parliament to improve renters’ rights has been dubbed ‘ground-breaking’ by a leading North East property expert.
The Renter’s Reform Bill has unveiled a new blueprint for the rented property sector which will spell the end of ‘no-fault’ evictions through the banning of section 21.
The move will also make it illegal for landlords or agents to impose blanket bans on renting to families with children and those in receipt of benefits.
Many industry experts have praised the bill for ‘levelling the playing field’ between renters and tenants, however not all agree.
Since the white paper was released in June, it has been reported that 25% of Buy to Let landlords ‘plan to flee the market’ if the legislative changes are introduced.
However, Laura Walker, head of property management at Bradley Hall, believes this does not reflect wider industry sentiment and that – should the bill turn to legislation – it could be ground-breaking for both renters and landlords.
“While a handful of experts have gone on the record to voice their disapproval of the reforms, the vast majority see this as the progressive change required to rebuild confidence in the industry and clamp down on rogue landlords,” Laura said.
“We believe that everyone should benefit from a safe and comfortable home and the reforms outlined in this bill will go a long way towards improving living conditions for private renters, while abolishing the stigma surrounding ‘greedy’ landlords.
“The changes will also increase confidence in the lettings system among private renters who will now have more rights concerning their length of tenancy and no-fault evictions. It will give them confidence of longer-term security in making a house their home, and the ability to have pets within a rented property without the need for landlord consent.”
The bill will also spell the end of arbitrary rent review clauses, empowering tenants to challenge poor practice, unjustified rent increases and enabling them to be repaid rent for non-decent homes.
Seen as a major step by many to improve renters’ rights, Laura also stressed that – despite the bill’s many positives – further clarity is still required to educate landlords and agents on how the changes will work in practice.
“While some landlords are rightly concerned about how they can take back possession of properties due to the inability to serve section 21 notices, I think it’s fair to say that more information needs to be provided surrounding the ‘valid reason’ for a landlord to terminate a tenancy to reinstate landlords confidence in the system,” she explained.
“This would cement the importance of having a knowledgeable managing agent appointed to ensure that landlords have the correct and up to date advice on ever changing legislation to ensure their position is protected and they have access to approved contractors to maintain their property to an acceptable standard required under the Decent Homes Standards.”
While the majority of the measures are aimed at improving standards for renters, there are a number of measures which Laura believes will give private landlords and agents plenty of reasons to be supportive of the bill.
This includes the introduction of a new Private Renters’ Ombudsman; ensuring responsible landlords can gain possession of their properties efficiently from anti-social tenants and introducing a new property portal that will help landlords better understand, and comply with, their responsibilities.
She added: “There is no hiding from the fact that the private rental market has had its fair share of negative press over recent years, therefore any reforms to improve the rights of renters and restore confidence in the market must be welcomed.
“A buoyant rental sector will only be achieved by ensuring tenants feel safe in their homes and they have landlords they can trust, which I genuinely think matches the ambitions of most landlords.
“Should it be successful, I believe the reforms outlined in the bill will restore private renters confidence in the market and create a fairer system for all.”
For more information on Bradley Hall, visit: https://www.bradleyhall.co.uk/