By Jonathan Rudge, Head of Land, Development & New Homes
As part of Bradley Hall’s growth in recent months we have experienced significant expansion in our service offering to the public sector.
Within the North East, and across many UK regions, the public sector is a vital catalyst to economic growth as a strategic occupier, investor and policy maker to residential and commercial property.
With the growth in demand for our services from the public sector, we are therefore delighted to have been appointed to several key property services frameworks.
One of the most significant of these has been our appointment to the Homes England Property Services Framework. Homes England are the government body responsible for delivering on the Government’s housing growth agenda, within our region, and are also a significant owner of residential development land.
Bradley Hall has been appointed alongside several international property companies to help support Homes England in delivering on the government’s housing targets between now and 2022. In addition, this framework can be utilised by other public sector bodies to procure property advice efficiently and cost effectively.
In addition, Bradley Hall has also recently been signed up to the NHS Commercial Solutions Framework for property and estates consultancy services. The NHS is one of the largest owners and occupiers of property in the UK and their estate is a vital component of the efficient delivery of services and the generation of capital for investment. Within the North East, we are already seeing the benefits of this appointment and are working closely with several the region’s NHS Trusts to support the strategic development of the property assets.
Bradley Hall is also a member of NEPRO – a faster, compliant alternative to traditional public sector frameworks for specialist professional services and consultancy. It is a neutral vendor approach developed by NEPO (North East Procurement Organisation) that brings benefits to buyers and suppliers of professional services across 19 separate service categories. This portal is available for use across the UK.
Appointments such as these mean that our firm can now provide a cost-effective service to ensure that within this pressurised economic environment, public sector clients can rely on our proactive and professional approach to support strategy and drive performance. Our ability to further bolster financial sustainability through the sales and acquisitions of public sector land and property is growing, and thanks to our appointment to these panels we are contributing to some of the region’s most exciting projects.
Exciting projects have included supporting Local Authorities such as Gateshead Council and West Lancashire Borough Council in the direct development of new housing. These public sector investments seek to utilise their own assets to deliver vital new homes while at the same time generate revenue for each Council.
We have also worked closely with Northumbria University on their commercial solutions, recycling ill-performing capital into better performing assets, ultimately enabling better services and returns in line with strategy and growth.
For more information on how Bradley Hall can support public sector projects relating to land, development or property please contact Jonathan Rudge or Neil Hart on 0191 232 8080